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Is there any way to save searches so that they can...

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FAQ No. 28
Question Is there any way to save searches so that they can be rerun periodically?
Answer This can be done in a couple of different ways.

a) The user can bookmark the page containing the desired search results. That will effectively save the search in their web browser. They can then rerun the search at any time simply by visiting the bookmark on that computer.

b) Alternatively, if the user is logged in, any search performed using the search forms on the Dashboard will be stored in "My Search History" in the left menu. The user can then revisit and re-run the search history at any time and from any computer by logging in under their account.
Categories Sales and Marketing,All Categories,All Categories,Sales and Marketing,Sales and Marketing,All Users
Date created Sat Oct 29 17:10:09 2011
Last modified Sat Oct 29 17:10:15 2011
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